At the end of 2015, FANTASTICO s.r.o. was proudly awarded a certificate that authorises usage of the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed designation.
Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) designates agricultural products and foodstuffs with a specific property or set of properties that clearly distinguish them from similar products and foodstuffs in the same category. The product/foodstuff must be produced using traditional raw materials and characterised by a traditional composition or method of production/processing that corresponds to a traditional production/processing method.
Thanks to the Guild of Bakers and Confectioners of Western Slovakia, on 8 August 2012 the European Union granted the Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) designation to the Bratislavský rožok (‘Pressburger Roll’) with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 729/2012. Since the Bratislavský rožok dates to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, comments were also raised by Austria, Hungary, and even Germany.
EU Quality Policy is a philosophy of developing the quality of original, traditional agricultural products and foodstuffs, and supporting the cultural traditions and regions in which the products are produced. The system was created in response to the spread of counterfeiting and misuse of traditional names that relied on the reputation of traditional regional products. The term “EU Quality Policy” means ensuring the protection of agricultural products and foodstuffs and their promotion for sale. These foods must meet certain quality parameters that distinguish them from similar products with clearly defined requirements for raw material composition and technological production procedure.